Skills for life

We have recently become a Skills Builder school.  The Skills Builder programme will help our children to develop the 8 essential skills that are necessary for learning and for the life of work.  We learn and apply the skills by:

- practising and building the skills in Skills Builder lessons and assemblies so that we have a high level of competency

- creating opportunities to make links with further education and the world of work so that our children can identify how the skills prepare them for later life and

- we value and promote the essential skills across our school's curriculum.

“We focus on building essential skills to enable lifelong success so that one day, all students are equipped with the skills, experiences and aspirations to succeed.”  - Skills Builder

Our main focus is to prepare our pupils for life beyond primary school, opening up opportunities beyond their current life experiences.  We do this through our Enterprise Curriculum which brings the world of work into the classroom and provides opportunities to visit an array of employers and have insight to a range of careers.  Examples of our links with careers and enterprise projects:


Careers links

Enterprise opportunities

Year 1 / 2



Shop keeper


Gardener or florist

Lifeboat station visit

Vet / veterinary nurse

Broad bean / sunflower growing challenge 

Make a fragranced gift

Year 3/4

Dentist / Nurse


Marine biologist


Catering manager / cook

Conservationist (Tyne Rivers)

Care for Calais volunteer



Year 5/6

Paramedic (year long project)



STEM Scientist

Slum aid volunteer

The Sill National Park ranger


Space engineer (Dark Skies)

Conservationist (Explore Greenlee)


Fiver challenge