Home Learning

Welcome to our home learning page!  We are collating resources that our pupils can complete at home, some independently, some with a little support.  Many of these resources are already very familiar to our children. As we are currently operating one school ‘on site’ and another for children and staff who are self-isolating, the resources here are just a starting place.  We are therefore trialing a range of approaches to find out what works best and expect this to develop as we learn together. 

Our key message here is:

“Please, please, please keep reading” - the more the better.  We are really hopeful that the children will continue to make the excellent progress they have already made this year.



Click the logo to access Times Tables Rock Stars


Click the logo to access G-Suite


Click the logo to access myON


Click the logo to access Accelerated Reader


Click the logo to access Numbots

Children should aim to read for at least 25 minutes a day - either sharing a story or reading to an adult. From Y2+ children can access their Accelerated Reader Quizzes to check their understanding of the story

Please build in daily time to practice number fluency (through Numbots for KS1 and Timestables Rockstars for KS2).  Additional learning in Maths will be accessible through our Google Classrooms.

If your child is Year 1-6, please check that your child is able to log in. Log in details are stuck into your child’s reading diary.  If you have not completed a Google agreement and would like to access this resource, please download the form here and if you require a password reset, please email the office [email protected].uk with the subject heading Home Learning. (Please be aware office staff are very busy at the moment - it may take some time to respond to your request, so please only use this facility if you are unable to resolve the issue yourself)  
For children in years 1-6, Google Classroom is now the main portal for all home learning.  Your child needs to log onto Google Classroom daily.  They will find:
  • Times for their live class meet and live lessons (these are recorded and uploaded so you can also access them at a later time if needed)
  • Lesson links for any recorded lessons with resources and activities to complete.  These are an equivalent to lessons being taught in class. 
  • Reminders to complete daily TTRS or Numbots, and daily reading. 
  • Teachers will give feedback and answer questions at live meets or through the chat (please remember they are also teaching in class, but they will answer as soon as they can).
  • Class story time
  • Assemblies
We encourage all children to attend a class meet daily.  This is a social opportunity for the children as well as part of our daily welfare check.
For children in early years, we use Evidence Me to communicate with parents.  Here you will find:
  • A daily meet - usually  story or Rhyme time
  • Activity ideas for home learning which are similar to those being taught in class
  • Links to lessons (eg Read, write inc for Reception children)
Videos to explain how to access Evidence Me and Google Classroom can be found below.


How to Video Guides

Home Learning Page Tour
How to access G-Suite and the Google suite of Apps
How to use Google Classroom
How to access Evidence Me (Early Years parents)
More reading books for Accelerated Reader children
How to access more Read, Write Inc books from home

Be A Champion

Our Be A Champion app develops pupils health and well-being through mentoring and support to develop the 4 health life habits of positive mindset, good sleep, healthy eating and physical activity.  The app can be downloaded on Google play and apple store.  A paper version is also available on request.  There are super prizes, such as a fitness app, which can be awarded once good habits are established.  Pupil codes are available from your child's class teacher.